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Cougar Creek Long-term Mitigation Project Moves Forward

Date posted:
Drone image of Cougar Creek dam construction
Drone image of Cougar Creek dam construction

We are making progress on the Cougar Creek Long-Term Mitigation project to reduce risk from future debris-flood events.

  • We are pleased to share that additional Provincial funding has been secured and progress has been made on critical project elements. We are on track to complete this critical flood infrastructure project in 2024.
  • Construction will continue through the fall and will resume in March 2024 after a winter shutdown.
  • The main dam embankment structure is planned to be completed by spring of 2024, and we plan to complete the project by the end of 2024.
  • Please note that Lady MacDonald Trail will be CLOSED as of Sept 11, 2023, for public and worker safety during blasting work. Respect all closures and posted signage for your safety.

For details about the project, visit


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