Your Council

Canmore’s Town Council is the legislative body that represents the citizens of Canmore. The mayor and six councillors provide leadership and establish policies and priorities for Canmore’s municipal government. They also establish the budget for civic operations and capital expenditures.

Canmore residents vote for their mayor and councillors in a general election held every four years. This council was elected in October 2021.

Core Functions of Council:

  • Set strategic goals and priorities for the organization
  • Establish policies, set service levels and approve budgets 
  • Provide governance and leadership for the corporation
  • Represent the public interest

Serving the community to enhance our quality of life by working collaboratively, with the benefit of individual knowledge, experience, and community connections, to make balanced decisions that sustain and uphold community values for the betterment of the Town of Canmore.

2021 - 2025 Canmore Town Council

Councillor Joanna McCallum, Councillor Tanya Foubert, Councillor Wade Graham, Mayor Sean Krausert, Councillor Jeff Hilstad, Councillor Jeff Mah, Councillor Karen Marra

The deputy mayor schedule from November 2024 to October 2025 is as follows:

  • November and December – Councillor Marra
  • January and February – Councillor Mah
  • March and April – Councillor Graham
  • May, and June – Councillor Foubert
  • July and August – Councillor Hilstad
  • September and October - Councillor McCallum

Contact information for individual members of council can be found by clicking on their name below.

To email all members of Town Council click here.

Council Remuneration policy

Mayor Sean Krausert

Office: 403.678.1517

Fax: 403.678.1524


To see a list of committees on which this councillor holds a position, please scroll down to the section Which Councillors are on each board and committee?



Quarter Expenses
Q1 $2,878.59
Q2 $1,565.43
Q3 $916.43
Q4 $3,389.51


Quarter Expenses
Q1 $3,266.81
Q2 $3,673.07
Q3 $1,482.25
Q4 $1,531.33


Quarter Expenses
Q1 $165.00
Q2 $1,302.42
Q3 $2,340.04
Q4 $1,141.96


Quarter Expenses
Q4 $1,354.60

For a full breakdown of Mayor Krausert's expenses, contact 

Councillor Tanya Foubert

Office: 403.678.1511

Fax: 403.678.1524


To see a list of committees on which this councillor holds a position, please scroll down to the section Which Councillors are on each board and committee?




Quarter Expenses Per Diem
Q1 $1,089.00 $4,025.00
Q2 $1,681.32 $5,425.00
Q3 $1,973.54 $2,600.00
Q4 $1,127.18 $3,525.00


Quarter Expenses Per Diem
Q1 $4,630.23 $6,150.00
Q2 $1,390.32 $5,525.00
Q3 $1,015.00 $2,875.00
Q4 $587.58 $2,825.00


Quarter Expenses Per Diem
Q1 $(570.00) $3,867.12
Q2 $904.00 $4,500.00
Q3 $4,126.67 $2,400.00
Q4 $1,383.31 $3,050.00



Expenses Per Diem


$2,321.74 $3,600.00

For a full breakdown of Councillor Foubert's expenses, contact 



Councillor Wade Graham

Office: 403.678.1596

Fax: 403.678.1524


To see a list of committees on which this councillor holds a position, please scroll down to the section Which Councillors are on each board and committee?




Quarter Expenses Per Diem
Q1 $649.00 $4,425.00
Q2 $1,839.40 $2,425.00
Q3 $3,145.84 $2,525.00
Q4 $0 $3,175.00



Expenses Per Diem
Q1 $1,746.35 $3,100.00
Q2 $1,428.15 $3,300.00
Q3 $(1,085.88)  $1,612.90
Q4 $295.00 $3,275.00



Expenses Per Diem
Q1 $109.99 $3,700.00
Q2 $0 $3,400.00
Q3 $0 $1,925.00
Q4 $1,600.24 $2,875.00



Expenses Per Diem


$1,199.17 $4,075.00

For a full breakdown of Councillor Graham's expenses, contact 

Councillor Jeff Hilstad

Cell: 403.678.7734

Office 403.678.7291

Fax: 403.678.1524


To see a list of committees on which this councillor holds a position, please scroll down to Which Councillors are on each boards or Committees?



Quarter Expenses Per Diem
Q1 $434.00 $4,250.00
Q2 $0 $2,625.00
Q3 $0 $2,300.00
Q4 $0 $3,025.00



Expenses Per Diem
Q1 $0 $2,104.74
Q2 $0 $1,850.00
Q3 $0 $1,250.00
Q4 $0 $2,350.00



Expenses Per Diem
Q1 $0 $3,675.00
Q2 $0 $2,550.00
Q3 $1,979.72 $1,800.00
Q4 $0 $2,175.00



Expenses Per Diem


$322.49 $3,550.00

For a full breakdown of Councillor Hilstad's expenses, contact 

Councillor Jeff Mah

Cell: 403.714.5783 

Office: 403.678.1598

Fax: 403.678.1524



To see a list of committees on which this councillor holds a position, please scroll down to the section Which Councillors are on each board and committee?



Quarter Expenses Per Diem
Q1 $399.00 $4,750.00
Q2 $292.02 $5,975.00
Q3 $800.00 $3,750.00
Q4 $142.93 $3,775.00



Expenses Per Diem
Q1 $1,830.85 $5,050.00
Q2 $1,632.17 $3,375.00
Q3 $1,014.16 $1,125.00
Q4 $1,617.47 $4,850.00



Expenses Per Diem
Q1 $0 $3,300.00
Q2 $295.00 $2,950.00
Q3 $0 $2,175.00
Q4 $848.46 $3,250.00



Expenses Per Diem


$1,638.08 $3,850.00

For a full breakdown of Councillor Mah's expenses, contact 

Councillor Karen Marra

Cell: 403.678.8043

Office: 403.678.7294

Fax: 403.678.1524


To see a list of committees on which this councillor holds a position, please scroll down to the section Which Councillors are on each board and committee?



Quarter Expenses Per Diem
Q1 $464.00 $3,250.00
Q2 $0 $2,700.00
Q3 $0 $1,350.00
Q4 $0 $4,875.00



Expenses Per Diem
Q1 $1,085.88 $2,800.00
Q2 $2,613.89 $4,325.00
Q3 $341.74 $1,600.00
Q4 $1,132.71 $5,300.00



Expenses Per Diem
Q1 $0 $4,328.08
Q2 $0 $3,125.00
Q3 $1,979.72 $1,425.00
Q4 $0 $3,350.00



Expenses Per Diem
Q4 $1,270.60 $3,825.00

For a full breakdown of Councillor Marra's expenses, contact

Councillor Joanna McCallum

Phone: 403.678.3098

Office: 403.678.7297

Fax: 403.678.1524


To see a list of committees on which this councillor holds a position, please scroll down to the section Which Councillors are on each board and committee?



Quarter Expenses Per Diem
Q1 $1,748.00 $4,000.00
Q2 $473.90 $2,925.00
Q3 $1,791.52 $2,975.00
Q4 $2,036.77 $6,325.00



Expenses Per Diem
Q1 $2,255.93 $3,525.00
Q2 $1,839.18 $4,875.00
Q3 $902.22 $2,875.00
Q4 $1,411.31 $4,950.00



Expenses Per Diem
Q1 $409.02 $5367.12
Q2 $0 $3,375.00
Q3 $1,968.02 $1,800.00
Q4 $2,081.36 $3,450.00



Expenses Per Diem


$1,818.69 $4,925.00

For a full breakdown of Councillor McCallum's expenses, contact 

Each year at the annual organization meeting in October, Council decides which councillors sit on each board or committee. Above are the current appointments.

Connect with Council

Members of the public may submit questions, comments, and requests to Council through a variety of mechanisms. Choose from the following options:

You can email the mayor and individual councillors directly, either individually or as a group. Scroll up to see each councillor's contact information. To request an appointment with the mayor, please email

A person or group of people making a formal presentation at a council meeting is called a delegation. If you wish to appear as a delegation, contact the municipal clerk at 403.678.1550 or Requests must be received a minimum of 22 days prior to a council meeting, and are subject to approval by the Agenda Review Committee.

Council’s Procedural Bylaw limits the topics delegations may address. They are:

  • Community events,
  • New initiatives, and
  • Updates on items of Council interest or that the Town of Canmore has funded.

Delegations will not be accepted when the topic of the presentation:

  • Relates to an undecided matter that has been the subject of a public hearing,
  • Is a matter scheduled for discussion on a future council agenda, or
  • Causes concerns around procedural fairness.

Scheduling a delegation

Council typically holds one business meeting and one Committee of the Whole meeting each month. Click here to see a meeting calendar. Business meetings are appropriate for items that require a decision, such as requests for funding. At Committee of the Whole meetings, council considers only informational briefings – no decisions are made. Examples of briefings include updates on program or project activities. To see a current 

Anyone requesting to appear as a delegation will be first referred by the municipal clerk to an appropriate Town of Canmore staff member, who will determine if the item can be addressed administratively or if it is appropriate for council consideration.

When administration determines a delegation is appropriate for a council agenda, the request is forwarded to the Agenda Review Committee. This committee, consisting of the mayor, the deputy mayor (see above for the deputy mayor schedule), and the Town of Canmore's CAO, has final approval for all agenda items.

Agenda review committee meetings are held two weeks before a council meeting. After the meeting, the municipal clerk contracts everyone who has made requests to schedule delegations.

Written submissions from delegations are required at least 22 days prior to the meeting. The submission should provide a summary of the topic or request and be appropriate for inclusion in a public agenda package.

Council does not make a decision at the same meeting in which a delegation makes their presentation unless council agrees by majority vote to do so. Requests are scheduled for decision at the next business meeting. If the request is time-sensitive, this should be addressed in the written submission.

Public hearings are held to get input on specific bylaws being considered by council. Public hearings are advertised in the newspaper and on this website for at least two weeks before they occur. Comments can be submitted in writing anytime between when council sets the hearing date and when the hearing is adjourned. Information about public hearing procedures is available on our Public Hearings page, and instructions for specific hearings are included in the advertising.

If you would like to have written correspondence distributed to council or presented at a public council meeting, please send it directly to the municipal clerk using the contact information below. Inclusion of correspondence on a council agenda is subject to approval by the agenda review committee. 

Canmore Civic Centre
Attn: Municipal Clerk

902 7 Avenue
Canmore Alberta T1W 3K1

Council works collaboratively - with the benefit of individual knowledge, experience, and community connections - to make balanced decisions to sustain and uphold community values for the betterment of the Town of Canmore.

Council follows a code of conduct that covers:

  1. Representing the municipality;
  2. Communicating on behalf of the municipality;
  3. Respecting the decision-making process;
  4. Adherence to policies, procedures and bylaws;
  5. Respectful interactions with councillors, staff, the public, and others;
  6. Confidential information;
  7. Conflicts of interest;
  8. Improper use of influence;
  9. Use of municipal assets and services;
  10. Orientation and other training attendance.

Read a copy of Bylaw 2024-26.


If you witness or experience conduct by a council member which you believe contravenes this bylaw, you may submit a complaint to the appointed investigator (Barbara McNeil).

Complaints must be submitted in writing and must include the date and the name and signature of an identifiable individual and set out reasonable and probable grounds for the complaint. Complaints can be emailed to or dropped off or sent by mail to: Town of Canmore, 902-7 Avenue, Canmore AB  T1W 3K1. 

The Process and What to Expect

  1. You will receive a written confirmation from the investigator. 
  2. They will likely contact you with more questions for clarification and to discuss the process.
  3. The investigator will determine if your complaint is covered under the Code of Conduct and if it is, will begin an investigation. 
  4. The councillor who is subject of the complaint will be provided with a copy of the correspondence including the name of the complainant unless such disclosure could reasonably be expected to threaten anyone else’s safety or mental or physical health, or interfere with public safety.
  5. If the investigator finds a violation has occurred, you may be contacted with an offer to participate in mediation with the hope of resolving the issue. 
  6. If mediation doesn't resolve the issue, the investigator will recommend next steps to council.
  7. Council will decide whether or not sanctions are appropriate.

Sanctions are limited to the following: 

  1. A letter of reprimand addressed to the Council member;
  2. A request that the Council member issue a letter of apology;
  3. Publication of a letter of reprimand or request for apology and the Council member’s response;
  4. A requirement to attend training;
  5. Suspension or removal of the appointment of a Council member as the deputy mayor under section 152 of the Municipal Government Act; 
  6. Suspension or removal of the mayor’s presiding duties under section 154 of the Municipal Government Act,
  7. Suspension or removal from some or all council committee and bodies to which council has the right to appoint members; 
  8. Reduction or suspension of remuneration as defined in section 275.1 of the Municipal Government Act corresponding to a reduction in duties, excluding allowances for attendance at council meetings.