Drought Response Plan
Committee of the Whole heard an update on the Town's drought response plan. The Town of Canmore falls in the category of a small water license holder and currently uses approximately 55% of our licensed water supply. We already had plans in place to undertake several improvements over the short and long term to manage water use by detecting and repairing leaks, installing flow meters in major watermains and replacing aging watermains.
In addition, we are in the process of developing a Water Restriction Plan, which will include a webpage for public information, internal monitoring to inform different water restriction phases and the potential for additional restrictions in the event an emergency is declared under the water act. Stay tuned for more information as the plan is developed!
Preliminary 2024 Property Tax Rates
Preliminary 2024 tax rates were presented for discussion, prior to the Property Tax Rate Bylaw coming to Council for approval on May 7. Council approved a 7.6% revenue increase with the 2024 budget amendments. Property taxes are based on your homes assessed value. For example, a single-family homeowner with a change in assessed value from $1,211,500 to $1,383,000 will see an increase in municipal taxes of $29.16 per month. If a property value has increased or decreased more or less than this, there will be a corresponding effect on taxes.
Learn more about average assessments, municipal tax splits and the provincial education tax by reading item #D-2 in today's agenda package: Council Meetings: Town of Canmore
Committee of the Whole also:
Heard an update on Canmore's local transit service, including short and longer term plans for the service.
Heard from EPCOR and the SPCA.