Council Clips

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Council Clips - April 18, 2023

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Tourism Canmore Kananaskis Update

The CEO of Tourism Canmore Kananaskis (TCK) provided an update to reinforce how important tourism is to all aspects of our economy. They are changing how they market this destination and what they offer including conducting a Sustainable Destination Assessment, to give a baseline on our sustainability and measure us against over 100 destinations world-wide as we strive to become a leader in sustainable tourism. TCK is also expanding the Pledge to the Peaks, encouraging more visitors to take action to care for the land, animals, and people of Canmore and Kananaskis. Visit

2023 Citizen Perspectives Survey Results

This year’s survey was conducted at the beginning of February to assess citizens’ attitudes and opinions toward the Town of Canmore and to understand the day-today experiences of local citizens. Overall, the results are positive but lower than previous years. Issues around housing and the cost of living are more pronounced this year and growth and development remains a priority but less so than 2021. 

Preliminary 2023 Tax Rates

Council discussed the preliminary property tax rates for 2023 prior to considering them for approval at their May 2 meeting. Read the report in today’s agenda package here:

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