Council Clips

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Council Clips - April 4, 2023

Date posted:

Mandatory Commercial Food Waste Diversion
Council amended the Recyclables and Waste Bylaw to make food waste diversion mandatory for property owners providing space to a food service establishment. This is another important step in addressing climate change in our community, as more than half of commercial waste is food waste. Currently, only 30% of relevant businesses in Canmore are diverting food waste, even after two thorough recruitment campaigns. As well, the bylaw address how used cooking oil must be secured to not attract animals. 

Lawrence Grassi Middle School Site Redevelopment
Council gave first reading of the Land Use Bylaw Amendment 2022-25 Canadian Rockies Public Schools (CRPS) Lawrence Grassi Middle School Direct Control District and scheduled a public hearing for May 2, 2023. CRPS is applying to redesignate a portion of their site from PD – Public Use District to a direct control district to provide housing. Council previously approved the Area Redevelopment Plan for this development, which includes the maximum number of units (~120) permitted on the site. 

Council also:

  • Postponed the amendments to the Procedural Bylaw until June 6 when all members of council can be in attendance to be able to speak to these proposed changes to procedures, and have the amendments reviewed by an independent governance expert. In addition, administration will report back to Council with alternatives to the public question period before or during regular meetings.
  • Approved the Supplementary Assessment Bylaw 2023-10 for properties where construction was completed and/or occupancy was granted during the year.
  • Approved the Downtown Business Improvement Area (BIA) Tax Bylaw 2023-11 and 2023 budget.
  • Appointed Cheryl Hyde, Allyssa Rygersberg, and Sara Jones as clerks to the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board (SDAB).
  • Appointed Doreen Saunderson to the Canmore Library Board for a term ending at the October 2025 annual organizational council meeting.
  • Increased the 2020 Light Fleet Replacement capital project budget by $32,500 for additional up-front costs for electric vehicles, charging stations and installation charges. An increased grant from the Municipal Climate Change Action Centre (MCCAC) will offset the increase to the budget.
  • Heard an overview of the changes to the 2023 Safe Park Program which provides working residents with a permitted overnight space to park and sleep during the summer months when Canmore’s demand for a seasonal workforce is increased and availability of short-term accommodation is limited. 


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