Council Clips

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Council Clips - February 7, 2023

Date posted:

Land Use Bylaw Amendment
Council gave first reading to an amendment to the Land Use Bylaw to allow for the consideration of Offices (above the ground floor) on all IND 2 District properties located near Elk Run Boulevard. The proposed amendment ensures offices will only be developed above the ground floor of a building within the IND 2 District, which preserves ground floors for industrial uses/developments. 

Paperless Option for Property Tax Notices and Assessment Notices
Council approved a bylaw to allow property owners to have a secure and confidential option to receive their property tax notices, assessment notices, and Canmore Assessment Review Board documents electronically, where possible. Providing property owners with a paperless option for these documents would allow for more timely and accessible retrieval of their notices as well as a more environmentally friendly option of communication and reduce costs. For those who choose not to enroll in paperless notifications, they will continue to receive their notices by hardcopy in the mail as the default. Details on how to subscribe to this new service will be available soon.

Borrowing for 2023 and 2024 Capital Projects
Council approved six bylaws intended to approve the borrowing of funds for the following:

  • Water Treatment Plant 2 – Replacement and Capacity Upgrade Construction
  • Bow Valley Trail Wastewater Upgrade – Phase 2
  • Bow Valley Trail Wastewater Upgrade – Phase 3
  • Bow Valley Trail Water Upgrade – Phase 2
  • Railway Avenue Wastewater Upgrade
  • Wastewater Treatment Plant – Influent Screen Capacity Upgrade

Council also:

  • Heard a presentation about the Howl Experience program, a gap-year outdoor youth leadership program in the Rockies based in the Bow Valley. For details visit:
  • Met in camera regarding Cougar Creek contract negotiations.
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