Council Clips

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Council Clips - March 4, 2025

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Steep Creek Updates to the Municipal Development Plan (MDP) and Land Use Bylaw (LUB)

Following a public hearing, council gave second and third readings to MDP and LUB amendments regarding steep creeks. The amendments acknowledge the relative reduction in flood risk for the Cougar Creek area now that the Cougar Creek debris flood retention structure is complete.

100 Palliser Lane Housing Update

After hearing from the public, council gave second and third readings to a Land Use Bylaw Amendment for 100 Palliser Lane. The amendment will enable Canmore Community Housing to apply a more efficient site design to 100 Palliser Lane, and allow more flexibility to the exterior building design.

2025 Borrowing Bylaws

Council gave first reading to three borrowing bylaws, for the following projects:

  1. A ladder truck replacement for Fire-Rescue.
  2. A snow management facility.
  3. A chlorine gas upgrade for Water Treatment Plant 1.

You can learn more about each of these borrowing bylaws at Bylaws Pending Approval: Town of Canmore

Bow Valley Community Fireguard and FireSmart Updates

The Forest Resource Improvement Association of Alberta (FRIAA) has announced phase 2 of funding in the Community Fireguard Grant Program. Council approved the submission of an application for the next phase of work on the Bow Valley Community Fireguard construction, which would take place at the Canmore Nordic Centre East and West areas. If approved, this work could start in August. Learn more about the fireguard here: Bow Valley Community Fireguard: Town of Canmore

Council also approved the submission of an Expression of Interest to FRIAA for a FireSmart vegetation management project in the Canyon Ridge area. The requested funding will support critical fuel reduction activities to enhance community safety.

Council also:

  1. Approved a new capital project, Bow Valley Evacuation Modelling and Plan, funded in full through a grant. This project will be done in partnership with the Town of Banff and the MD of Bighorn.

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