Council Clips

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Council Clips - May 2, 2023

Date posted:

Property Taxes
Council approved the 2023 tax rates to prepare for the property tax notices being mailed on May 15.  In alignment with many other municipalities in Alberta and British Columbia, 65% of total taxes are collected from residential property owners and 35% from non-residential ones. Canmore's municipal taxes are comparable with the average taxes per dwelling of many of our neighbours and those comparisons can be viewed at  The Town of Canmore also collects revenue for Vital Homes, and is required to collect provincial education tax, as well as the seniors housing requisition. 

Lawrence Grassi Middle School Control District Approved
Following today’s public hearing, Council approved the Land Use Bylaw Amendment. When approving this, Council acknowledged they genuinely heard the public’s concerns about the height of buildings, parking requirements, and traffic congestion. Council all spoke to the benefits outweighing their concerns; a high percentage (33%) of housing being provided for people who live and work in the community. 

Land Use Bylaw Amendment Trinity Bible Church Direct Control District
The Trinity Bible Church (TBC) is applying to redesignate a parcel of land, located at 105 Harvie Heights Road, from Conservation of Wildlands District to a Direct Control District to allow the TBC to develop a religious institution on the site. To be able hear the public’s input, Council approved first reading of Bylaw 2022-14 and scheduled a public hearing for June 6, 2023. 

Land Use Bylaw Amendment 231 and 233 Three Sisters Drive
Council gave first reading to a bylaw to redesignate two parcels from R2 to R2A to allow for development of townhouses instead of just duplexes. The applicant is proposing to build 12 units. A public hearing is scheduled for June 6, 2023. 

Council also:

  • Approved the terms of reference for the Council Remuneration Review Committee. Committee members will be appointed at the annual organizational meeting in October.
  • Heard recommended changes to the Downtown Paid Parking Program from the Canmore Downtown BIA board chair. Council will give consideration to these recommendations at a future meeting.
  • Directed Mayor Krausert to join the Federation of Canadian Municipalities in calling on the federal government to commit to ensuring that going forward local governments are meaningfully consulted, fully informed, and at the table on issues related to policing costs given the municipal role in keeping our communities safe; and that Mayor Krausert convey this support in writing to our local Member of Parliament.
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