Connect Downtown - Update on Visioning Phase
Committee of the Whole heard an update on the visioning phase of Connect Downtown, which included what we heard from the community during the first phase of engagement. We had over 1600 interactions with a diverse range of representation in the community - THANK YOU for providing your input. To read the full report of what was heard and how it will shape the next phase of the project, visit Connect Downtown: Planning a Vibrant Town Centre | MyCanmore
Housing Action - Limiting the Growth of Tourist Homes
An update was provided on the key actions that will be required to phase out the Tourist Home designation. These include:
Prevent more Tourist homes from being developed. Administration will be reviewing all statutory planning documents to determine the changes required, the impacts of them, and the process for doing so. The key document that would require amendment is the Land Use Bylaw (LUB).
Tax alignment for all tourist homes. Amending Bylaw 2013-01 Division of Class 1 Property to eliminate the Tourist Home – Personal Use subclass by fall 2024. This would result in all Tourist Homes classified in the same residential division, being taxed at the same non-residential rate, and the elimination of the current annual Personal Use declaration process.
Conversion to residential class options. Develop a process for permanently converting Tourist Homes to the residential class for those owners who no longer want their property to be classified and taxed as a Tourist Home.
Regulations and enforcement. Amending Bylaw 2015-02 Business Registry Licensing to require all short-term rentals to acquire, display, and include in all advertising, a valid business license number. Properties not displaying a valid license number would be subject to enforcement, including fines.
Follow the work we are taking on the Housing Action Plan here: Housing Action: Town of Canmore
Committee of the Whole also:
Heard an overview of the 2023 Keep Wildlife Alive Ambassador summer pilot program and the plans for the program in 2024.