Main Street Pedestrian Area

Main Street Pedestrian Area Permit

An overview of the steps to secure your Main Street Pedestrian Area Permit. This applies to post-and-cable patios, or other set ups, such as retail displays, pergolas, canopy tents and public seating areas within the seasonal pedestrian area.

Main Street will be closed to vehicular traffic from May 12 to Oct. 17, 2025. Main Street Pedestrian Area Permit holders may install their setups starting May 14 and removal must be complete by noon on Oct. 14.   

The seasonal closure of Main Street is in place seasonally, turning the street into a pedestrian and cyclist-friendly space to create opportunities for community connection and vibrancy for residents and visitors to spread out and enjoy downtown Canmore.

Any businesses located within the closure area, including second and third floor businesses can apply for a Main Street Pedestrian Area (MSPA) permit. Town-permitted vendors with a seasonal business premises downtown and businesses within the larger Downtown Canmore Business Improvement Area (BIA) may also apply with conditions.  


Use of Parking Stalls

Permitted use of parking stalls – also known as, the activity zone, includes unstructured patios (ex. post-and-cable or tables and chairs) for food & beverage establishments, and retail or other setups. Other setups may include public seating areas, planters, pergolas or gazebos, retail displays, temporary canopy tents, and directional signage aligned with the Town's signage standards for the sale of products. 

Structured patios – i.e. those with a solid platform with or without a guardrail or enclosure, require an In-Street Structured Patio permit and not an MSPA permit.   

Businesses wishing to use the activity zone solely for the purpose of temporary signage are to contact Planning for approval and are not required to obtain an MSPA permit. 


Apply for a Main Street Pedestrian Area Permit

MSPA permit fees are subject to the type of setup a business intends to install within the activity zone.  

2025 Permit Fees 
Non-Structural Patio: $460  
Other Setups: $210  

Other setups may include public seating areas, planters, pergolas or gazebos, and retail industry setups such as temporary canopy tents or outdoor display and directional signage for the sale of products. 

These fees do not include the cost of additional permits or licenses required such as a Building Permit. 

All permit holders must follow the Main Street Pedestrian Area (MSPA) Permit Conditions as outlined.


Prepare your Application Package

Apply for a New Main Street Pedestrian Area Permit

Apply for a Return (Unchanged) Main Street Pedestrian Area Permit

Your application package will require the following key components:
Business information 
  • Including but not limited to address, business owner, property owner information.
  • Business must have valid business licence for current year. 
Current photo of the proposed setup location   

Detailed site plan.
See Figure 1 for a sample.

  • Adjacent building façade. Notes: Setups must stay within the business’s own frontage and may go up to but not cover the white line painted for the seasonal closure. Where use extends past the applicant's own business frontage, written permission must be obtained from affected neighbouring business owners and property owners. 
  • Property line 
  • Any existing usage within this space (e.g. public seating, etc.) that will remain in place. 
  • Proposed setup including all temporary elements that will be in place. 
  • Distance between setup from curb of 6 inches for gutter drainage. 
Setup Specifications 
  • Type of setup
  • Description of elements included in the proposed setup
  • If proposing a pergola, tent, gazebo or similar structure, submitting the manufacturers specification will be required.
Certificate of Commercial General Liability Insurance 
  • Must list the in-street setup, non-structured patio or seating area, and any activity being performed therein (ex. retail sales) as an extension of the insured operations, be valid for the duration of the MSPA season and include Town of Canmore as an additionally insured party. If requested, the Town of Canmore's address is 902-7 Ave., Canmore, AB  T1W 3K1 
  • Coverage must be for a minimum of five million dollars per occurrence, or two million dollars per occurrence for retailers with an "Other Setup" who bring their entire setup indoors on a daily basis. To inquire if you qualify, contact before submitting your application. 
Letters of support from business owner(s)

Required if the applicant is a second or third floor business, not street-facing, or if the business is a seasonal Vendor setup on another business's private property. 

In these cases, permission from
 the owner(s) of the ground-floor facing business in front of which you intent to install your setup is required.  Copies of email communications are accepted.

Letters of support from property owner(s) 

Permission from the owner(s) of the ground-floor facing property in front of which you intent to install your setup is required by all applicants. Copies of email communications are accepted.

Notification to business owner(s) of adjacent businesses

Notification to the owner(s) of adjacent businesses indicating the intention of your MSPA setup. Copies of an email will be accepted. 

Inspection and Occupancy Load request

Required if setup includes a delineated patio or seating area - e.g. post-and-cable Submit a copy of the confirmation email from Fire-Rescue indicating receipt of your Inspection and Occupancy Load Certificate request. 

Building Permit: application package, if required
  • Required for a single pergola, tent, or combination thereof exceeding 10 square meters, or if the structure is occupied regularly by the public and/or a cashier is stationed within.   The structure would then be required to meet all aspects of the building code, including anchorage, wind resistance and fabric fire resistance rating.
  • Any structure that could impact street drainage requires engineering sign-off.
  • Umbrellas setup for shade do not require a Building Permit but must be safely secured in appropriate base at all times.
Tents & Events Building Permit: Confirmation that an application has been submitted to the Planning Department 
  • Required for a single pergola, gazebo or tent, or combination thereof exceeding a total of 10 square meters. This excludes shade umbrellas.
  • Required if the structure is large enough for cashier(s) to be stationed and customers within browsing products.  The structure would then be required to meet all aspects of building code, including anchorage, wind resistance and fabric fire resistance rating. It is our understanding that if there is only space for retail product and an attendant, a Building Permit would not be needed.
  • Umbrellas setup for shade do not require a Building Permit but must be safely secured using weights or sandbags.
Road Use Permit application

Required if requesting vehicular access to the Main Street pedestrian area for regular business activity during the seasonal closure.



Your application package will require the following key components:
Business information 
  • Including but not limited to address, business owner, property owner information.
  • Business must have valid business licence for current year.
Copy of the previous year's MSPA permit including approved site plan  If you no longer have a copy, email 
Copy of the Occupancy Load Certificate for this previously inspected delineated unstructured patio or seating area.

If you no longer have a copy, email 

Certificate of Commercial General Liability Insurance 
  • Must list the in-street setup, non-structured patio or seating area, and any activity being performed therein (ex. retail sales) as an extension of the insured operations, be valid for the duration of the patio season and include Town of Canmore as an additionally insured party. If requested, the Town of Canmore's address is 902-7 Ave., Canmore, AB  T1W 3K1 
  • Coverage must be for a minimum of five million dollars per occurrence, or two million dollars per occurrence for retailers with an "Other Setup" who bring their entire setup indoors on a daily basis. To inquire if you qualify, contact 
    before submitting your application.
Letters of support from business owner(s)

Required if the applicant is a second or third floor business, not street-facing, or if the business is a seasonal Vendor setup on another business's private property. 

In these cases, permission from
 the owner(s) of the ground-floor facing business in front of which you intent to install your setup is required.  Copies of email communications are accepted.

Building Permit: application package, if required
  • Required for a single pergola, tent, or combination thereof exceeding 10 square meters, or if the structure is occupied regularly by the public and/or a cashier is stationed within.   The structure would then be required to meet all aspects of the building code, including anchorage, wind resistance and fabric fire resistance rating.
  • Any structure that could impact street drainage requires engineering sign-off.
Tents & Events Building PermitConfirmation that an application has been submitted to the Planning Department 
  • Required for a single pergola, gazebo or tent, or combination thereof exceeding a total of 10 square meters. This excludes shade umbrellas.
  • Required if the structure is large enough for cashier(s) to be stationed and customers within browsing products.  The structure would then be required to meet all aspects of building code, including anchorage, wind resistance and fabric fire resistance rating. It is our understanding that if there is only space for retail product and an attendant, a Building Permit would not be needed.
  • Umbrellas setup for shade do not require a Building Permit but must be safely secured using weights or sandbags.
Road Use Permit application, if required  Required if requesting vehicular access to the Main Street pedestrian area for regular business activity during the seasonal closure. 

Figure 1. Sample Site Plans

Figure 2. Main Street Visualization of Zones


All MSPA permit holders must abide by the MSPA Conditions. Contravening the conditions could result in the rejection of the application or revoking of a permit and may be subject to penalty under the Traffic and Road Use Bylaw 2020-03 and/or other applicable Bylaw.


Contact Economic Development.