If your vehicle is registered to your Canmore-based business and you have a valid business licence, you may qualify for a resident parking permit.
Tradespeople whose vehicles are not registered in Canmore, but require on-street parking in the residential-only parking zone can be assigned a guest parking permit by the resident for whom they are performing work, should off-street parking such as their private driveway not be available.
Construction noise is permitted between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. Monday to Saturday, and is prohibited Sundays and holidays. All construction occurring on Sundays and holidays requires written approval by the Town of Canmore. Visit Planning and Development for more information on building and development permits.
As per the Community Standards Bylaw (2022-16) noise exemption permits may be granted for circumstances that are deemed impractical for the applicant to adhere to the bylaw. This includes construction activity on Sundays and/ or holidays, and planned noise between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. To apply, click here.
Prior to ordering any signs, refer to the signage standards and permit requirements.
If you are opening an automotive repair shop or dealership you must contact AMVIC and get approval. Contact: 877.979.8100
For gaming, liquor, and cannabis permits and information, please contact the AGLC.
For electrical, gas, plumbing, and related permits, visit Alberta Safety Codes.
You need a Cross Reserve Permit to cross Town land to access your property or for construction purposes. This includes situations where you need to cross a municipal reserve or environmental reserve to reach your backyard or temporarily uses these lands as part of a construction project. The permit ensures that we maintain public safety, environmental protection, and proper resource management.