Access to Information

Access to information (FOIP) requests

The Town of Canmore is subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act. The FOIP Act provides the public with a right of access to the Town’s records, subject to limited and specific exceptions.

If you have questions about access to information, contact the office of the municipal clerk at or 403-678-1550.

1. Records routinely published on this website include property information, approved budgets and business plans, council agenda packages and minutes, bylaws and policies, corporate plans, strategies, and reports, and GIS datasets.

2. Records that are routinely available for a fee include

  • Property planning searches and environmental searches
  • Fire investigation reports

3. To request access to records that are not routinely available, please submit a written Request to Access Information, also known as a FOIP request, to the office of the municipal clerk:

  • by email to 
  • by mail to Town of Canmore, attention Municipal Clerk, 902 -7 Avenue, Canmore, Alberta, T1W 3K1
  • in person at the Canmore Civic Centre, located at the address above

To complete your request

Write an email or letter that states you are asking for information under the FOIP Act and includes as much detail as possible related to:

  • The records you want to access,
  • The Town department you believe has the records, and
  • The time period for the records.


  • General access to information: initial fee of $25
  • Access to an individual’s own personal information: no initial fee

Payment options

To pay by credit card over the phone, include this information in your request and we will contact you to arrange payment.

Mail a cheque to Town of Canmore, attention Municipal Clerk, 902 -7th Avenue, Canmore, Alberta, T1W 3K1

Pay in person at the Canmore Civic Centre. Debit, credit, cheques, and cash are all accepted.