Fee Schedule

Each year, Council approves a fee schedule for the upcoming year. The 2025 Master Fee Schedule is below.

Please note this schedule does not include Membership & Admissions at Elevation Place, Public Skating, or facility rental fees.

Planning & Development

Document and Search Requests  

Property Information Search (plans/documents viewing request) Residential per hour 78.00
Environmental / General Search   per hour


Professional Advice, Pre-Application Meetings & Appeal Requests  


Pre-Application Meeting 1 hour multi-discipline meeting per application                                     556.00
General Planning   per hour                                     119.00
Professional Advice External expertise required per request  At cost 
Appeal - Subdivision and Development Appeal Board Small scale developments (detached and/or duplex dwellings) per appeal                                     312.00
Appeal - Subdivision and Development Appeal Board Medium/Large scale developments (multi-unit residential, commercial, industrial, institutional) per appeal 520.00
Compliance & Agreement Requests
Stamp of Compliance  Residential per unit                                     109.00
Non-Residential per application                                     130.00
Certificate of Conformance Review of District, DP or Use per unit                                       104.00
Confirmation of Zoning Copy of District and Use per unit                                       68.00
Agreements     Development Registration (Residential – max 6 units) per request                                     130.00
Development Registration (Non-Residential or Residential of 7 units or more) per request                                     260.00
Development Discharge Preparation per request                                       26.00
Encroachment / Maintenance / Restrictive Covenant / Right-Of-Way per request                                     374.00
Amending Encroachment / Right-Of Way per request                                     582.00
Development Completion Certificate  1st and 2nd Inspection per inspection  No charge 
Additional Inspection per inspection                                   1,392.00

^ Where no fee is provided within the Fee Schedule for a request, the Manager of Planning & Development shall determine the fee in accordance with the estimated cost recovery and/or similar fee provided. 


Residential Development Permits  


New Construction**    Addition per application  228.00 plus
1.40 per m2 
Accessory Dwelling Unit/Building per application                                     171.00
Detached Dwelling/Duplex/Manufactured
(includes one variance request)
per application  343.00 plus
161.00 per unit 
Townhouse/Apartment per application  1,277.00 plus
270.00 per unit 
Change of Use Tourist Home per application  343.00 plus
1.40 per m2 
New Accessory Development Deck, Balcony, Fence, Retaining Wall   per application                                     171.00
Home Business    Home Occupation per application                                     305.00
Home Occupation Renewal (max 3 years) per application                                     234.00
Bed & Breakfast per application                                     888.00
Bed & Breakfast Renewal (max 3 years) per application                                     332.00
Variance Request  Discretion limited in LUB per variance                                     353.00
Discretion unlimited in LUB per variance                                     218.00
Refund*   Prior to review per application  75% to 90% of fee 
After review / circulation (prior to decision) per application  10% to 25% of fee 
After decision per application  0% of fee 
Construction prior to permit issuance All residential permits              per permit   Double the Development Permit fee  
Decision Making Authority Canmore Planning Commission/Council per application, in addition to application fee                                     343.00

   *The refund percentage shall be determined by the Manager of Planning & Development in accordance with cost recovery

** Additional fee may be required: See Engineering Fee Schedule


Non-Residential Development Permits  

New construction**      Accessory building per application                                     343.00
Commercial/Industrial/Institutional (Including mixed use construction of new residential floor space)   per application
(0 – 49m2)
 576.00 plus
1.40 per m2 
per application
(>49 m2– 499m2)
 799.00 plus
1.40 per m2 
per application
 1,157.00 plus
1.40 per m2 
Storage/Transportation/Vehicle Display In Addition to buildings  685.00 per ha 
Golf Course In Addition to buildings  322.00 per ha 
New Accessory Development** Deck, Balcony, Fence, Retaining Wall per application                                     344.00
Internal/External Renovation/Repair (per m of frontage fee waived where consistent with Community Architectural & Urban Design Standards of LUB or internal) per application  467.00 plus
52.00 per m of frontage 
Change of Use   Commercial / Industrial / Institutional   per application
 343.00 plus
1.40 per m2 
per application
(>49 m2– 499m2)
 576.00 plus
1.40 per m2 
per application
 810.00 plus
1.40 per m2 
Grading/Excavation/Logging** (Professional fees additional) per application    1,158.00 
Variance Request***  Discretion limited in LUB per variance                                     405.00
Discretion unlimited in LUB per variance                                     218.00
Refund*   Prior to review per application  75% to 90% of fee 
After review / circulation (prior to decision) per application  10% to 25% of fee 
After decision per application  0% of fee 
Construction prior to issue All non - residential permits per permit   Double the Development Permit fee  
Decision Making Authority Canmore Planning Commission / Council per application, in addition to application fee                                     582.00

*The refund percentage shall be determined by the Manager of Planning & Development in accordance with cost recovery

**Additional fee may be required: See Engineering Fee Schedule

***At the discretion of the Manager of Planning and Development, where a variance is determined to be directly related to a site contraint or existing non-conforming building, the variance request fee may be reduced by 50%   


Temporary and Development Permit Amendment Requests 

Seasonal Business (Maximum of 6 months)   Town Centre District per month                                     353.00
Gateway Districts per month                                     301.00
All other Commercial Districts per month                                     244.00
Temporary Use Maximum of 2 years per application  50% of DP fee for permanent use (minimum fee 300.00) 
Renewal of issued Development Permit Max 2 year extension from original DP, received minimum 81 days prior to expiry per request  50% of Development Permit fee 
Amendment of issued Development Permit  Minor (generally in accordance with DP) per review                                       94.00
Major (e.g. height, floor area, façade etc.) ($20.00 min) per application  20%-50% of Development Permit fee 


Signage Requests  

Permanent  Certificate of Conformance
(no variances requested)
per application                                     109.00
Development Permit (1 or more variances requested) per application  202.00 plus
21.00 per sign 
Temporary/Event Certificate of Signage Conformance per application                                       22.00


Subdivision Requests

Subdivision   Full circulation required per application  8,719.00 per ha (minimum fee 1,090.00) 
No Engineering circulation required per application  4,905.00 per ha (minimum fee 882.00) 
Boundary Adjustment per application 686.00
Endorsement   Condominium per application  306.00 plus
31.00 per unit 
Fee Simple/Bareland Condominium per application  358.00 plus
810.00 per ha 
Boundary Adjustment per application  234.00
Time Extension   per application     3,273.00



Parking Cash-in-Lieu Developers portion per stall                                 43,638.00
Animal Proof Waste Container Cash-in-lieu 1-15 new or additional dwelling units per dwelling unit                                     2,500.00


Building Permits  


Alberta Safety Codes Council (ALSC) Minimum $4.50; Maximum $560.00 per building permit  4% of Building Permit Fee 
New Construction* (Construction cost includes: Labour; Fixtures; Materials)  Residential per building permit  10.00 per 1,000.00 construction cost; plus ALSC and Review fee (minimum fee 100.00) 
Commercial / Industrial / Institutional per building permit  10.00 per 1,000.00 construction cost; plus ALSC and Review fee (minimum fee 200.00) 
New Construction* (Partial Building Permit) Residential/Commercial/Industrial/Institutional per building permit                                     613.00
Review Fee    Short
(Interior Renovations; Windows; Demolition)
per review                                       44.00
(DP issued for Detached Dwelling, Duplex, Townhouse, Accessory Dwelling, Accessory Development, Bed & Breakfast, Change of Use, Exterior Renovation, New Construction 499 m2 or less, Minor Building Permit Amendment)
per review                                       94.00
(DP not issued for Detached Dwelling or Duplex, New construction greater than 499 m2 
per review                                     130.00
Post Building Permit Issue
(Major amendment)
per review    15% of Building Permit fee (minimum fee 160.00) 
Construction / Demolition
prior to issuance
All Building Permits per permit  Double Building Permit fee 
Re-Inspection  Deficiencies noted in first  inspection not corrected in second or subsequent inspections per inspection                                     218.00
Unable to obtain entry/access property per inspection                                     109.00
Renewal of issued Building Permit 1 year Per application prior to expiry  50% of Building Permit fee
(minimum fee 200.00) 
Green Building Performance Security Occupancy prior to meeting energy efficiency requirements Per request  $4.00 per 1,000.00
(max 20,000.00) 
Refund See Building Permit Bylaw Per permit  See Building Permit Bylaw 
Demolition   Building Permit Fee (minimum 560.00 and maximum 5,100.00)  2.10 per m2 gross floor area; plus ALSC and review fee* 

* Additional fee may be required: See Engineering Fee Schedule   


Statutory Document Requests*  

Area Structure/Redevelopment Plans  New Per application  11,662.00
plus 1,713.00 per ha 
Amendment Per application  3,560.00
plus 1,713.00 per ha 
Concept/Outline Plan  New Per application  5,885.00 plus
1,713.00 per ha 
Amendment Per application  3,560.00 plus
1,713.00 per ha 
Municipal Development Plan Amendment Per application  3,560.00 plus
1,713.00 per ha 
Land Use Bylaw  Text Amendment (Text only) Per application                                     675.00
Land Use Amendment (District, Use, Density) Per application  3,560.00 plus
644.00 per ha 
Road Closure   Per request                                   3,003.00

* At the discretion of the Manager of Planning & Development, where multiple statutory documents are proposed or amended concurrently, only one 'per ha' fee may be required.




Fee Type   Fee
Finance/Services - Photocopies per copy                        1.00
Mortgage Report per roll                       23.00
Tax Certificate - Manual per certificate                       58.00
Tax Certificate - Online per certificate                       28.00
Non Sufficient Funds (cumulative) - TIPP/PUPP (first default at no charge) per event                       28.00
Non Sufficient Funds (cumulative) - Cheque per event                       58.00
Foreign Funds Processing Fee per event                       58.00
Wire Transfer Surcharge & Fax Notification Fee (variable per bank service fee) variable per event                           -  
Duplicate Payment/ Refund Processing Fee - Refund by EFT per event                       28.00
Duplicate Payment/ Refund Processing Fee - Refund by Cheque per event                       58.00
Non-payment Transfer and Collection Fee (cumulative) per event                       58.00
Tax Notification and Discharge Fee per title  58.00 + costs 
Reprint of Prior Years' Documents (including CEIP Agreements) - no charge for current calendar year documents or those available online per document                       12.00
Confirmation of Taxes Paid per document                       28.00
Property Assessment Report - Current Year per property 31.00
Property Assessment Information (section 299/300 of MGA) per property 67.00 per hour (minimum charge of 1 hour plus photocopying charges)

Fire Response, Rescue and Inspection User Fees

Document Fee / File Copy per/copy                     187.00
Search of Records per/hour                       35.00
Occupant Load Permit Fee per permit                     143.00
Fire Chief per hour                     172.00
Deputy Fire Chief per hour                     143.00
Lock Box Fee per box                     125.00
Additional Firefighter Fee per hour                       51.00
Fire Permit Fee per permit                     143.00
Fireworks Permit Fee per permit                     143.00
Fire Support Unit (Light duty crew cab, pickup truck, or crew cab flatbed with 2 staff members) per hour                     212.00
Fire Support Unit (Light duty crew cab, pickup truck, or crew cab flatbed with 2 staff members) - AB Infrastructure per hour                     212.00
Pumper Truck Response per hour                     859.00
Pumper Truck Response - AB Infrastructure per hour                     704.00
Rescue Truck Response per hour                     859.00
Rescue Truck Response - AB Infrastructure per hour                     704.00
Aerial Response per hour                     975.00
Aerial Response-AB Infrastructure per hour                     704.00
Command Trailer - comes with Fire Support Unit per hour                     424.00
Shoring Trailer plus Goods Used - comes with Fire Support Unit per hour                     424.00
Hazmat Trailer plus Goods Used - comes with Fire Support Unit per hour                     424.00
Sprinkler Protection Unit - comes with Fire Support Unit per hour                     424.00
Jet Boat - comes with Fire Support Unit per hour                     424.00
Fire Inspection-Construction Sites and Plan Review per hour                     143.00
Fire Investigation per hour                     143.00
First & Second Fire Inspection upon Request (up to 2 hours) per inspection                     143.00
Fire Inspections - additional hours over the two hour base rate per hour                     143.00
First & Second Fire Inspection Department Initiated (up to 2 hours) per inspection                           -  
Third and Subsequent Fire Inspections - both requested & department initiated (up to 2 hours) per inspection                     287.00



Fee Type   Fee
Project/Small - Layout Plans (Utilities & Surface) base fee                     491.00
Project/Intermediate - Layout Plans (Utilities & Surface) base fee                  1,964.00
Project/Large - Layout Plans (Utilities & Surface) base fee                  5,782.00
Project/Large - Storm Water Management Report base fee                     273.00
Project/Large - Traffic Impact Assessment base fee                     409.00
Project/Medium/Large - Wellhead Protection Area Impact Report base fee                     273.00
Project/Medium/Large - Railway Risk Assessment base fee                     273.00
Project/Medium/Large - Noise Impact Assessment base fee                     164.00
Project/Medium/Large - Steep Creek Site Specific Risk Assessment base fee                     545.00
Miscellaneous Engineering per hour                     109.00
Drawing Reviews (in addition to the above)   Fee
Third + Review (additional charge) per/review                     710.00
Record Drawings (additional charge for errors or omissions) per/review                     545.00
Request for Variance (additional charge for each variance to Subdivisions & Site Developments) per/review                     142.00
Inspections (in addition to the above), Water Main Pressure Test / Development Completion Certificate / Construction Completion Certificate / Final Acceptance Certificate   Fee
CCC, FAC (DCC as applicable) - no fee for first inspection per/inspection                     819.00
Non-compliance Notice & Re-inspection (each occurrence) per/inspection                     136.00
Stop Work Order & Re-inspection (each occurrence) per/inspection                     327.00
General Engineering Site Visit &/or Inspection per/inspection                     126.00
Single Family / Duplex - Building Permit Application Review & Servicing Inspection where no D.P. is Required   Fee
Review & First Inspection per/inspection                     382.00
Each Additional Inspection/Failed Test per/inspection                     218.00
CCTV Review in Support of Service Replacement Exemption Request per/inspection                     545.00
Miscellaneous Permits   Fee
Excavation Permit Fee, Completion Inspection & Deposit Release per/permit                     628.00
Excavation Permit Fee Security Deposit security fee                  6,164.00
Blasting Permit Fee per/permit                     491.00
Franchise Utilities Excavation Permit Fee, Completion Inspection & Deposit Release per/permit                     628.00
Excavation Permit Fee Security Deposit security fee  per agreement 
Demolition Permit, Demolition Permit with Mobile Home Move per/permit                     164.00
Demolition Permit with Simple House Move (minimal community impacts) per/permit                     545.00
Demolition Permit with Complex House Move (i.e. impacts to utilities, traffic, ROAM or emergency services) per/permit                  1,091.00
Utility Line Assignment (base fee) per application                     273.00
Utility Line Assignment (per length of utility exceeding 10m) per linear meter                       11.00
Road Use Permit - occupation of parking stall in the Town Centre (in-street patios excluded) per stall per day                       22.00
Road Use Permit - occupation of parking stall outside the Town Centre (in-street patios excluded) per stall per day                       11.00
Miscellaneous Publications & Items for Sale (Transportation Plans, Utility Plans, Engineering Guidelines Available Electronically Only)   Fee
Map Requests 36"X24" Addressing, road network, legal basemap, Land Use Bylaw. Available electronically through open data and online. Paper maps may be purchased. per sheet                       22.00
Public Tender Documents per copy  Free 
Digital Products for Sale (Licensing Agreement Required)    
All digital information is provided free of charge through open data. Visit website for details. digital copy  Free 
Technician time for support with open data, or other digital information per hour                       82.00
Mapping & Modelling Services   Fee
Custom Mapping work - to be quoted ($75.00 Minimum) per hour                       82.00

Public Works

Parks & Cemetery   Fee
Transfer of Certificate of Easement per/certificate                       79.00
Memorial Erecting Permit permit                     170.00
Memorial Removal / Engraving Permit permit                       78.00
Certificate of Easement - Single Plot Resident, Indigents (Social Services) Resident, Field of Honour Resident (Approval required by Canmore Legion for FOH interment) per/plot                  3,027.00
Certificate of Easement - Single Plot Non-Resident, Indigents (Social Services) Non-Resident, Field of Honour Non-Resident (Approval required by Canmore Legion for FOH Interment) per/plot                  6,353.00
Certificate of Easement - Field of Honour - Resident - Approval required from Canmore Legion / First Post per/plot                  3,027.00
Casket/Interment Fees - Summer per/plot                  1,509.00
Casket/Interment Fees - Winter per/plot                  2,402.00
Casket Disinterment - Summer / Winter  based on invoice  invoice cost 
Urn /Interment Fees - Single Urn 2ft - Summer per/urn                  1,122.00
Urn /Interment Fees - Single Urn 2ft - Winter per/urn                  1,465.00
Urn /Interment Fees - Single Urn 4ft - Summer per/urn                  1,531.00
Urn /Interment Fees - Single Urn 4ft - Winter per/urn                  2,112.00
Urn /Interment Fees - Two Urns 4ft Stacked - Summer (e.g.: stacked position 1&5) per/permit                  1,600.00
Urn /Interment Fees - Two Urns 4ft Stacked - Winter (e.g.: stacked positions 1&5) per/permit                  2,179.00
Urn /Interment Fees -Two Urns 4ft side by side- Summer (e.g.: position 5&6) per/permit                  1,818.00
Urn /Interment Fees - Two Urns 4ft side by side - Winter (e.g.: position 5&6) per/permit                  2,561.00
Urn /Interment Fees - Two Urns 2ft side by side - Summer (e.g.: position 1&2) per/permit                  1,556.00
Urn /Interment Fees - Two Urns 2ft side by side - Winter (e.g.: position 1&2) per/permit                  2,241.00
Certificate of Easement - Columbarium Niche Resident, Indigents (Social Services) Resident, Field of Honour Resident (Approval required by Town/Canmore Legion for FOH Interment in the Columbarium) per niche                  1,962.00
Certificate of Easement - Columbarium Niche Non Resident - Non Resident / Indigent (Social Services)/ Field of Honour  (Approval required by Town/Canmore Legion for FOH Interment in the Columbarium per niche                  3,979.00
Columbarium Niche Opening / Closing - Single Urn (Interment / Disinterment) per permit                     233.00
Columbarium Niche Opening / Closing - Two Urns (Same day in same Niche / Interment / Disinterment)  per permit                     299.00
Columbarium Niche Door - New Replacement per door                     367.00
Gate Access Permit permit                       73.00
Cross Reserve Permit permit                     183.00
Niche Cover Erecting / Removal Permit permit                       79.00
Labour after 4.30pm Weekdays - Full Casket / Urn in ground / Urn Niche per hour per person                     117.00
Labour Sat/Sun/STAT Holiday - Casket/Urn dig or backfill / Niche open and closing (minimum of 3 hours charge) per hour per person                     144.00
Town Security Lock Key- loss or replacement of town lock key per lock                       58.00
Town of Canmore Parks Lock- installation of new, loss or replacement lock per lock                     287.00
Weed Control   Fee
Weed Inspections (above and beyond the first Local Authority or Inspectors Notice) per hour per person                     152.00
Weed control - Mechanical Removal / Hand Pulling (includes tools/labour/supplies) per hour per person                       82.00
Weed Control - Herbicide Control Application (includes labour/product) 100% invoice cost  invoice cost 
Weed Control - Reclamation / Overseeding (includes labour/tools/supplies) 100% invoice cost  invoice cost 
Weed Control - Appeal per appeal                     572.00
Memorial Plaque Program   Fee
Memorial Plaques - Addition of a second plaque (max total 2 plaques per bench or Picnic Table) per/plaque                     545.00
Memorial Plaque Program - Bench Plaque  - 10 Years per bench plaque                 3,328.00
Memorial Plaque Program - Bench Plaque  - 20 Years per bench plaque                 6,000.00
Memorial Plaque Program - Picnic Table Plaque  - 10 Years per picnic table plaque                  3,833.00
Memorial Plaque Program - Picnic Table Plaque - 20 Years per picnic table plaque                  $7,364.00
Public Works Labour Rates   Fee
* Operator / Labourer (P.W. III) per/hour                       49.00
* Operator / Labourer Overtime Premium per/hour                       24.00
Heavy Duty Mechanic III per/hour                       92.00
Foreman / Supervisor per/hour                       79.00
Department Manager per/hour                       96.00
Fleet Rates   Fee
Heavy Fleet Equipment Rates    
Tandem axle hooklift truck w/attachments per/hour                     192.00
One Tonne hooklift truck w/attachments per/hour                     167.00
Grader per/hour                     240.00
Unit # 092 John Deere Grader 772 per/hour                     231.00
Utility equipment w/attachments per/hour                     160.00
Street sweeper per/hour                     194.00
Backhoe per/hour                     153.00
Light Fleet Equipment Rates   Fee
1/2 ton - 3/4 ton trucks 4X4's per/hour                       41.00
Utility Trailer  per/day                       97.00
Salt/Gravel mix per/tonne                       69.00
Chain Saw per/day                       20.00
Small Barricades - wire legged barricades with wooden cross piece per/day                        6.00
Large Barricades - 8' long wood, "Road Closed" barricade per/day                       14.00
Event fencing - black metal market fencing per/day                       14.00
Signage & A-Frame stand per/day                        7.00
Traffic Safety Cone per/day                        6.00
Warning Lights for Barricades, per light per/day                        6.00
Salt Brine per/liter                           -  
Message Boards Trailer Mounted (slide in letters) per/day                       79.00
Portable Electronic Message sign/trailer - Solar Powered per/day                     199.00
Portable Generator 2500 watt/Gas included per/day                     122.00
Animal Proof Waste/Recycling Container (delivery extra, must contract crane) per/event                       69.00
Pedestrian Animal Proof Waste Container per/event                       23.00
Use of Residential Waste Container for Special Events per/tonne                     264.00
Garbage Bags (50/case) case                       86.00
Mutt Mitts (Dog waste bags, 2000/case) case                       86.00
Solid Waste Services - Labour Rates   Fee
Waste Transfer Fee when delivered to Waste Management Centre per/tonne                     215.00
Collection - Commercial food waste 1 cart per/ cart tip                       13.00
Collection - Commercial food waste 2 or 3 carts per/ cart tip                       13.00
Collection - Commercial food waste 4 or more carts per/ cart tip                       13.00
Collection - Commercial Waste per/tip                       100.00
Collection - Commercial Recycling per/tip                       13.00
Collection - Event Waste per/hour                     121.00
Collection - Event Recycling per/hour                     121.00
Collection - Event Organics per/hour                     121.00
Organics Transfer Fee per/tonne                     172.00
Contaminated recycling load delivered to Waste Management Centre - penalty per/delivery                     230.00
Fibre Processing/Transfer per/tonne                     150.00
Plastic and Metal Processing/Transfer per/tonne                     802.00
Glass Transfer Fee per/tonne                     114.00
Water Utility   Fee
Water Utility Account Adjustment Administration Fee per occurrence                     172.00
Utility Operator Base Rate per hour 142.00
Utility Operator Overtime Rate per hour 213.00
Utility Flushing Truck per hour 340.00
3rd party services   Cost +15%



Labour Rates   Fee
*Building Service Base Rate Worker per/hour                       31.00
*Building Service Worker Rate for Statutory Holidays & Overtime (1.5 x base rate)  per/hour                       48.00
*Facility Operator Base Rate per hour                       35.00
*Facility Operator Overtime Premium for Statutory Holidays & Overtime (1.5 x base rate)  per hour                       51.00
*Facility Maintenance Technician Base Rate per/hour                       41.00
*Facility Maintenance Technician Premium for Statutory Holidays & Overtime (1.5 x base rate)  per hour                       60.00
Contractor Services   Fee
Cleaning Services per washroom building per cleaning                       81.00
Any other required contractor services will be billed as per their invoice    
Supplies   Fee
Janitorial per day/washroom building                       58.00
Equipment   Fee
Additional Tables** per/table                        8.00
Additional Chairs** per/chair                        5.00
Carpet Runners per/runner                       12.00
Barbeque*** per/day                       58.00
**Note: Tables & Chairs are only supplied to Town of Canmore buildings & Seniors Lodge    
***Note: Barbeque renters to clean barbeque after use and re-fill propane tank    

Community Social Development Services

Fee Type   Fee
Meals on Wheels per/meal                        6.00
Neighbourhood Block Party (also requires $50 deposit which is returned to user) per rental                       28.00
Movie Kit (also requires $50 deposit which is returned to user) per rental                       28.00

Economic Development (including Arts & Events)

Film   Fee
Film Permit - Production Crew 1 - 6 per permit                     114.00
Film Permit - Production Crew 7 - 15 per permit                     230.00
Film Permit - Production Crew 16 - 30 per permit                     458.00
Film Permit - Production Crew 31 - 99 per permit                  1,146.00
Film Permit - Production Crew 100+ per permit                  2,291.00
Location Fee - Production Crew 1 - 6 per day                           -  
Location Fee - Production Crew 7 - 15 per day                     287.00
Location Fee - Production Crew 16 - 30 per day                     572.00
Location Fee - Production Crew 31 - 99 per day                  1,146.00
Location Fee - Production Crew 100+ per day                  2,291.00
Annual Film Permit - Production crew 1-6 (only) per permit                  1,375.00
Annual film permit will be prorated based on monthly increments of monthly                     114.00
In Street Patios and Food Trucks   Fee
In Street Non-Structural Patio (post and cable patio; table and chairs) per permit                     460.00
In Street Solid Structure Patio (platform with enclosure) - received prior to April 10th each year* per permit                     105.00
In Street Solid Structure Patio (platform with enclosure) - received after April 10th each year* per permit                     315.00
License of Occupation per year                  1,000.00
Main Street Pedestrian Zone Permit (other than patios) per permit                     210.00