Community Events Committee
The Community Events Committee reviews applications to hold community events, and approves them in accordance with the Community Events Policy.
The committee meets a minimum of three times a year, typically in the spring and fall. Meeting dates, times and locations will be advertised on this calendar with a minimum notice of 24 hours.
The committee consists of three members of the public, two community event producers, one representative of the BIA, the supervisor of arts and events, and three non-voting members of Town of Canmore administration. Public members are appointed by Council every October to one-year terms. Current members are:
Public Members
Muriel Davidson
Suzan Shellian-Frey
Chris Palivan
Community Event Producers
Shane Munro
Ken Pillipow
Town of Canmore Administration
Supervisor of Arts and Events
Supervisor of Streets and Roads
Supervisor of Parks
Facility Booking Coordinator
For more information about the committee, contact