Assessment Review Board


The Canmore Assessment Review Board (ARB) is a quasi-judicial board (similar to a legal body) established in accordance with Part 11 of the Municipal Government Act and the Assessment Review Board Bylaw. It is an impartial tribunal that hears formal complaints against the assessment of properties, businesses, and local improvements.

The ARB is the first level of formal complaint for all types of property assessment with the exception of linear property assessment. The board is independent from the Town of Canmore and of the Assessment Services team and is comprised of members appointed by Council. The ARB makes decisions in an impartial manner and applies the principles of natural justice and procedural fairness, which includes but is not limited to: the right to a public hearing, a duty to be fair, the right for all affected parties to be heard, the right to an adjournment if the ARB determines it is merited, and the right to legal counsel.

ARB members are responsible for adjudicating complaints. They attend hearings, receive evidence and arguments from the parties, and make decisions. They must identify facts, and interpret and apply the law to every complaint. ARB members are subject to the principles of natural justice and must be free from bias or conflict of interest.

Historically, hearings have been conducted in the fall.  However, beginning in 2025, these hearings will occur in the second quarter of each year. Hearings are open to the public and are live streamed, however they are not public hearings. Only the complainant, respondent and pre-approved witnesses may speak.  

After the hearing, a formal written decision must be completed by the Board Members. This is typically written by the Chair/Presiding Officer, however will require review and input from all members of the panel.

Board Members

Council appoints both members of the public and councillors to three-year terms on the ARB.  A General Chair is also appointed at that time. Once appointed, members must complete five x three hour online training sessions, followed by the successful completion of an online exam within seven days of the course date. The online training, offered by the Province of Alberta, must be completed before members eligible to hear an appeal. Training requirements for new and returning members are set out in the Matters Relating to Assessment Complaints (MRAC) Regulation. Qualifications must be renewed every three years. Currently, the refresher training is delivered in three x three hour online sessions, followed by the successful completion of an online exam within seven days of the course date.

When an appeal is received, the appropriate number of ARB members are assigned to sit on either a Local Assessment Review Board or a Composite Assessment Review Board, depending on the type of property whose assessment is being appealed.

  • Local Assessment Review Board (LARB)
    The LARB hears complaints about assessment notices for residential properties with three or fewer dwellings. A LARB is made up of three ARB members, and can have no more than one member of Council.
  • Composite Assessment Review Board (CARB)
    The CARB hears complaints about assessment notices for residential properties with four or more dwelling units and non-residential (commercial) assessments. It also has three members, two ARB members and one member appointed by the Province of Alberta. A CARB can have no more than one member of Council.


Board members will be compensated for time and expenses incurred while performing their responsibilities based on the remuneration and per diem rates set out in the  Council Remuneration Policy.

Current ARB Members

Councillor Karen Marra
Councillor Joanna McCallum
Andrea Williams (Chair)
Jennifer Marran

Lori Hogarth
Christoph Braier
John Pedwell
Laura Clippingdale


For more information about property assessment and appeals, visit Property Assessments or contact us at or 403.678.1506