Community Grants

Applications for 2025 Community Grants will open April 1, 2025 and close at 4:30 p.m., April 30, 2025.

The Town of Canmore Community Grants Program provides funding to Canmore-based not-for profit societies and community organizations. Funding will support local initiatives and local/regional events that promote environmental stewardship, a sense of belonging, community affordability, and equity, diversity, and inclusion. 

Please note that the Community Grants Program does not support larger international events. Learn about Canmore's Major Events

Community organizations and not-for-profit events and societies that promote environmental stewardship, a sense of belonging, community affordability, and equity, inclusion, and diversity are eligible for funding.

Applications will be considered eligible if: 

  • The application adheres to the Town of Canmore Community Grants Policy
  • Application documentation is submitted before the posted deadline
  • The applicant is a community organization or not-for-profit event/society that promotes environmental stewardship, a sense of belonging, community affordability, and equity, inclusion, and diversity
  • The community organization includes four or more committee members (or project volunteers)
  • The event is not considered a major event
  • The organization has met the responsibilities of a previously provided grant
  • Organizations must demonstrate good financial standing


Local and Regional events are eligible for funding.

Regional Events are defined as events that draw provincial and/or national participants and audiences. These events typically increase economic activity and community vibrancy during the event. Regional events have limited international participation and limited international and national media coverage.

Local Events are defined as events that are organized by local community members, for local community members. Local events increase community vibrancy and create a sense of belonging.

Yes. A group of individuals with a shared interest who come together to further a mission are eligible to apply for funding. Community organizations are not societies, non-profit or for-profit organizations. To be considered a community organization, the group must contain at least four community members and/or project volunteers.

Applications will be reviewed and ranked by the Community Grant Selection Committee. 

Successful projects or initiatives are eligible for up to $5,000 in funding. 

Applications that promote environmental stewardship, that create a sense of belonging, that increase community affordability, and that promote equity, diversity, and inclusion will be ranked higher.

Successful applications

  • Illustrate how the proposed project/initiative will impact community. Connecting the project/initiative with Council's strategic goals of livability, environment, and relationships is an asset;
  • Demonstrate how the project will promote equity, diversity, and inclusion; sense of belonging; community affordability; and environmental stewardship.

Note: In kind contributions can include volunteer hours reimbursed at $32.75/hour.

To understand how your application will be evaluated, we recommend that you review the eligibility criteria below. Scoring for each criteria will be evaluated upon the following:

  • 0 Points Disagree: Applicant has provided no evidence of activities that will meet the eligibility criteria
  • 1 Point Neutral: Applicant's current activities align with eligibility criteria but provide no additional actions to further promote the eligibility criteria
  • 2 Points Agree: Applicant has incorporated activities that will promote eligibility criteria, and they have planted the seed for additional work in this specific criteria area
Eligibility Criteria Evidence that Application Meets Criteria
Increases equity, diversity and inclusion
  • Fair and respectful treatment of all people
  • Mixed community demographic
  • An environment where everyone feels welcome, respected, and are able to fully participate
Increases a sense of belonging
  • Connecting people to each other and community
  • Strengthening supports that value individuals within the community
Increases community affordability
  • Increases access that is free/low-cost for community 
  • Positively impacts affordability for residents of Canmore
Environmental Stewardship
  • Provide a service (e.g., outdoor gear rental)
  • Promotes principals of circular economy/reuse or repurpose items (e.g., makers' space where materials are reused to make or create new items)
  • Recover unused or excess items to reduce waste (e.g., reusing building supplies)
Budget/organization health
  • Does the application show evidence of financial viability and sustainability? 
  • Does the application budget illustrate that 50% of the project or initiative is supported by other funding sources?
  • Does the organization have a dedicated team to help move this work forward?
  • Is there an individual who is accountable for project management?
Successful applicants are required to complete and submit a final summary on or before April 30, 2026, that includes:
  • Description of grant allocation
  • Statement of impact: a brief synopsis of how the organization served community (500 words or less)
  • Picture describing initiative/event that can be publicly shared
  • Approximate number of community members who participated in, or benefitted from, the event/initiative 

If you require more information on the community grant program, please email: and include Community Grant in the subject header. Please allow two business days for a response.