The following major planning applications are currently under review. Review the application listings below for specific details about the current status of each proposal and opportunities to provide public input.
You won't find every planning application on this page. You can view all planning and permits by property on our Online Portal.
For questions regarding proposed developments, fill out the planning inquiry form
What is Happening
A development permit application for a previously approved Nordic Spa has been received for 1 Silvertip Trail. The proposal is to amend on-site design elements of the previously approved Accessory Use and Accessory Buildings (accessory nordic spa amenity). The amendments include changes to exterior building finishes, fence material, location and sizing of pools, and changes to landscaping. These are discretionary uses within the Silvertip Trail Direct Control District.
Next Steps
The application is currently being reviewed by Town of Canmore departments. The application is scheduled to be presented to the Canmore Planning Commission on Nov. 28, 2024.
What is Happening?
A mixed-use building (ground floor retail with second and third floor visitor accommodation) is being proposed at 802/806 10 Street. These are a permitted uses in the Town Centre District.
This application does not comply with the Land Use Bylaw and will require the following variances:
- To maximum front yard setback
- To maximum building height (+20cm)
- To maximum eaveline height for the rear portion of the building
- To minimum parking requirements
Next Steps
We are determining the development authority (the Canmore Planning Commission or the development officer) who will issue a decision (either an approval or refusal.) We estimate this will be completed by the end of December 2024
Should an approval with variances be issued, a Notice of Decision will be posted on the property, and notification will be advertised in the Rocky Mountain Outlook. There will be a 21-day appeal period.
What is Happening?
Spring Creek Mountain Village has submitted a subdivision application for stage 4 of the village development. This will allow for lots to be created and developed in accordance with the Spring Creek Area Redevelopment Plan.
Next Steps
We are reviewing the application for conformance with the Municipal Government Act, any applicable Area Redevelopment Plan, and the Land Use Bylaw. Following review, we will issue an initial decision (either an approval or refusal.) We estimate this will be completed by the end of December 2024.
If an initial approval is issued, we will endorse the subdivision application once all of the conditions for approval are met.
What is Happening?
We received a subdivision application to create five new lots (four residential lots and one for a proposed palliative care centre) to be developed in the future in accordance with the Direct Control District that governs the lands.
This is the next step after the proponent’s DC District was approved by Council in 2023 (Bylaw 2022-10).
Next Steps
We are reviewing the application for conformance with the Municipal Government Act, any applicable Area Redevelopment Plan, and the Land Use Bylaw. Following review, we will issue an initial decision (either an approval or refusal.) We estimate this will be completed by the end of December 2024.
If an initial approval is issued, endorse the subdivision application once all of the conditions for approval are met.
What is Happening?
A palliative care facility is being proposed at 800 3 Avenue. This is a permitted use in the 3rd Avenue South Direct Control District; however, this application does not comply with the Land Use Bylaw and will require the following variances:
- To allow for breaks in pedestrian connectivity
- To allow for vehicle parking in the front yard
Next Steps
We are determining the development authority (the Canmore Planning Commission or the development officer) who will issue a decision (either an approval or refusal.) We estimate this will be completed by the end of December 2024
Should an approval with variances be issued, a Notice of Decision will be posted on the property, and notification will be advertised in the Rocky Mountain Outlook. There will be a 21-day appeal period.
What is Happening
In October 2007, the Silvertip Area Structure Plan was adopted by Town Council. In accordance with this plan, Stone Creek Properties Inc. has applied to:
- Change two parcels from Silvertip Golf Course DC District [20(Z)93DC & 14(Z)95DC] to STR-2 Silvertip Comprehensive Residential District to accommodate a property boundary adjustment (see Figure 1: Location Map); and,
- Amend the STR-2 Silvertip Comprehensive Residential District to allow for an increase in maximum allowable height for Apartment Buildings, Townhouses, and Stacked Townhouses from 12m to 22.32m and replace the maximum eaveline height of 9.5m with a minimum 5:12 roof slope.
The location of the subject property is Lot 5, Block 9, Plan 241 0752.
Next Steps
We anticipate that Bylaw 2024-20 will be presented to Council for first reading in January 2025, although this date is subject to change based on feedback received. If the Bylaw proceeds, there will be an opportunity to submit formal correspondence as part of the Public Hearing process. There will be additional notification of the Public Hearing process in advance through an advertisement in the Rocky Mountain Outlook and another letter mailed to impacted properties.
What is Happening
- On April 23, 2024 Council approved a Conceptual Scheme and Land Use Bylaw amendment related to the approved Three Sisters Village ASP.
- The Conceptual Scheme application represents one phase of the larger Three Sisters Village ASP area. It provides more detailed information regarding planning, servicing, transportation, and parks. The associated Land Use amendment proposes land use districts that correspond with the density and building type included in the Conceptual Scheme.
- Phase 1 of Three Sisters Village comprises 72 acres in the northeast of the Three Sisters Village area. This area is intended for residential development, including townhome, stacked townhome, or apartment buildings, and will likely include designated affordable housing (Vital Homes or similar program). A large portion of Phase 1 is designated for public open space and includes a variety of parks and trails.
What You Need to Know
- The 1992 NRCB Decision set the allowable land uses within the area. An amendment to the Land Use Bylaw is needed to advance the approved ASP.
- According to Section 619 of the Municipal Government Act, the Town must adopt amendments to Land Use Bylaws and statutory plans where the changes are consistent with an NRCB Approval.
- Council normally holds a public hearing in addition to three bylaw readings for Land Use amendments; however, so long as the applications are consistent the 1992 NRCB Decision, MGA s.619 removed the requirement for a public hearing. In this specific situation, there was not a public hearing.
- Conceptual Schemes are adopted by a resolution of Council and do not require a public hearing.
Next Steps
- Now that the Conceptual Scheme and Land Use Bylaw amendments are approved, we expect that developer will submit subdivision applications followed by individual development and building permit applications. This process will occur over several years.
Learn More
- Read the approved ASP
- Read the approved Conceptual Scheme
- For questions about the approval process, contact us by filling out our Planning Inquiry Form. Be sure to mention ‘Three Sisters Village Phase 1 Application’ in your submission.
- Learn more about Three Sisters Mountain Village
What's Happening
On April 6, 2021, Council gave second and third reading to Land Use Bylaw Amendment 2020-19, which rezoned the Gateway property in accordance with the previously-approved Stewart Creek Area Structure Plan and the Town of Canmore’s Municipal Development Plan.
The Gateway concept includes a mix of grocery, retail, commercial, light industrial, innovation hub, employee housing, and multi-unit residential development, as well as an environmental reserve and municipal park. Public improvements for this development include a roundabout, replacing the 4-way stop at the Three Sisters Parkway interchange, and a primary multi-modal road internal to the site. The Gateway lands are located to the east of Three Sisters Boulevard and south of the TransCanada Highway and overpass.
The Gateway lands are within the Commercial and Mixed-Use land use classification of the Town of Canmore’s MDP, which includes a mix of commercial and residential development.
The Site 5 lands are designated TS-GD Three Sisters Gateway Commercial District, R3 SC1 - Residential Comprehensive Multiple Unit, Stewart Creek District, ED - Environmental District and PD - Public Use District in the Town’s Land Use Bylaw.
A resubmission of the existing approved subdivision for these lands was submitted and given tentative approval in August 2023. The subdivision has now been registered, enabling development permit applications to be submitted on lots designated for development.
Please refer to the maps and concepts included below.
- Subdivision of the Gateway at Three Sisters Phasing Plan
- Subdivision of the Gateway at Three Sisters Tentative Plan of Subdivision
- Subdivision of the Gateway at Three Sisters Legal Plan
- Subdivision of the Gateway at Three Sisters Context Plan
Related Development Permit Applications
None at this time.
What is Happening
On Nov. 7, 2023, the Palliser Trail Area Structure Plan was adopted by Council. In accordance with this plan, Canmore Community Housing has applied to redesignate a parcel within the Palliser ASP area from Perpetually Affordable Housing Apartment DC District to a new Direct Control district.
A Direct Control district is a customized land use designation that contains a list of permitted and discretionary uses and a set of specific development rules that are applicable to a specific site. This redesignation is required to allow for a proposed 4-storey and 6-storey development on the site, in accordance with the Palliser ASP.
The location of the subject property is 100 Palliser Lane.
Next Steps
Council approved Land Use Bylaw Amendment 2023-36 Palliser Lane Perpetual Affordable Housing DC District on May 7, 2024. This is the next step for Canmore Community Housing's new buildings in the area, which will provide critically needed affordable housing in the community.