Planning Policy Documents

Transparency of Planning Policy Documents

Every municipality must be  transparent with their planning documentation. The Town of Canmore is committed to listing, publishing, and updating the list of all planning policy documents, and describing how they relate to each other and to the municipality’s statutory plans.  Generally, the Town of Canmore's planning policy documents can be found here:


Guiding Documents 


You can also explore the categories below to help you find what you're looking for:

Comprehensive Housing Action Plan

Outlines strategies for the provision of affordable housing as directed in the Municipal Development Plan (MDP). 

PD-008 Vital Homes Policy

Outlines the  program requirements and funding sources that shall be used to further the Town's affordable housing goals by means of the provision of Vital Homes.  

COM-001 Public Participation

The MDP directs the Town to use this Policy for implementation of the MDP. 

PD-002 Encroachment

Deals with private development on public lands.

PD-004 In Street Patio

Deals with private development on public lands.

EX-007 Land Transactions

A policy to set parameters around the Town's acquisition and disposal of land.

Guidelines for Subdivision and Development in Mountainous Terrain

The MDP directs the use of these guidelines for applications for subdivision and development.

PD-007 Parking Cash in Lieu

The Land Use Bylaw allows for cash to be paid in lieu of providing on-site parking stalls at development.

PD 014 Entrance Features in Municipal Road Right of Way

Establishes criteria for evaluating requests to install private entrance features in the municipal road right-of-way (MROW). 

PD-012 Sustainability Screening

The Land Use Bylaw requires the submission of a Sustainbility Screening Report for certain types of applications

PD-006 Occupancy Building Code

The Land Use Bylaw requires an occupancy certificate to be issued prior to occupancy. 

PD-001 Collection of Levies

The Municipal Government Act allows for the collection of fees and levies at development and Subdivision.

Civic Addressing Protocol (33 KB)

The Municipal Government Act provides the authority to a municipality to name roads and assign numbers to buildings or land, and to display the address in a certain manner.

Bylaw 2-92 Addressing (2.62 MB)  

A Bylaw that sets out the orderly numbering of parcels of land and buildings within the Town.

AE-001 Public Art

The MDP directs the Town to provide support to arts and culture programs. 

Engineering Design and Construction Guidelines

Engineering Design and Construction Guidelines

The link above takes you to a digital copy of the guidelines for reference. You can also view the original signed hard copy of the guidelines at the Civic Centre.

The following agencies publish additional standards and guidelines which are referenced in the Engineering Design and Construction Guidelines.

Province of Alberta 
City of Calgary 
American Society of Civil Engineers 
American Water Works Association 
Government of British Columbia 
City of Edmonton 
CSA Group
Fire Underwriters Survey 
Illuminating Engineering Society of North America 
National Fire Protection Association 
Transportation Association of Canada

Infrastructure Master Plans

The MDP directs infrastructure master plans be prepared and maintained by the Town to identify the existing capacity, and the short and long-term upgrading requirements.

Utility Master Plan
Integrated Transportation Plan

The MDP directs that the ITP be used to direct future improvements to the existing transportation network and in the planning of new streets and developments.

PD-003 Environmental Impact

The MDP and the LUB require an EIS be prepared for certain land use and development applications.

Wildlife corridor and habitat patch guidelines 2012

The MDP directs the Town to have regard for the Guidelines in evaluating development proposals within or adjacent to a habitat patch or corridor.

Guidelines for Human Use Within Wildlife Corridors and Habitat Patches 1999

The MDP directs to the Town to refer to the Guidelines for decisions relating to trail development and recreational use of wildlife corridors.

FireSmart Mitigation Strategy

The MDP and LUB require a more wildfire hazard and risk assessment to be prepared for lands that are identified in the hazard mapping.

FireSmart Protecting Your Community

The MDP provides direction for subdivision and development proposals within or adjacent to high wildfire hazard areas to align with the  design principles of this report.

Engineering Design and Construction Guidelines (EDCG)

The Engineering Design and Construction Guidelines are intended to aid developers, consulting engineers, landscape architect,s and contractors in the design and construction of infrastructure and amenities.

Open Space Development Guidelines 2005

MR and ER are acquired by the Town at subdivision approval. The MDP provides high level guidance for parks and open spaces.  

Open Space & Trails Plan

The MDP directs the Town to plan for and manage trails and open spaces in accordance with this plan.

EX-008 Municipal Naming

MR and ER are acquired by the Town at subdivision approval. The MDP provides high level guidance for parks and open spaces. 

Recreation Master Plan

The MDP directs the Town to plan for and manage recreational facilities and spaces in accordance with this plan.

PD-011 Three Sisters MR

Municipal reserve dedication, excess dedication and deferrment are considered at subdivision approval. 

Canmore Municipal Development Plan

The province requires the Town of Canmore to have an MDP to provide a long-term vision for the community which outlines the municipality's plans for the future pattern of development.

Mining the Future 

Referenced in the MDP as a background document used in the preparation of the MDP.

Signposts to Sustainability Final Report

Referenced in the MDP as a background document used in the preparation of the MDP. 

Contact Us

If you have further questions, please submit them to the Planning & Development Department using the following form.

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