Trees Protection

The Town of Canmore has a bylaw to protect trees from removal and damage, in particular during the development phase of private lands. The intent of the bylaw is to protect these trees through a formal process that begins with a conversation with the property owner with emphasis on tree protection.

Read the Bylaw

Our Public Trees are Important

Trees on public land have a value to the community. They provide shade and shelter for humans and wildlife, act as important barriers to wind and erosion, increase property value, and improve the aesthetic appeal of a community.

Each building or development application will now include identifying public trees within 6 meters of the site. Every attempt to save the trees must be made first, which may include site redesign. If this is not possible, the Town will work with the developer on a solution that may include paying for the value of the tree (as valued by an arborist) before the trees can be removed.

The funds will be used for future planting or maintenance of trees on public lands. 

  • The bylaw also includes a requirement to protect public trees during construction. A protective barrier must be constructed around the tree so the tree does not become damaged during construction.
  • This bylaw will not affect activities like tree thinning for Firesmart or wildlife attractant removal.
  • There are fines for violations of the bylaw. The updated Master Fee Schedule will outline the amounts.

A Town of Canmore Town Tree which has any part of its trunk located on a public place. It is important to know where your property lines are, as most properties do not extend to the sidewalk.